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Deschutes County, OR Public Records

Deschutes County public records are all written, audio, or video information, regardless of its physical form or characteristics, which is received, generated, and used by a local government entity. These are accessible to all interested parties within the County, provided there are no legal exemptions. Vital records fall under these restrictions as they are only accessible to parents, close relations, spouses, legal representatives, and the person on the record. Births and deaths may be obtained from the vital records offices. Marriages are sourced from the Deschutes County Clerk, and divorces are available via the County Circuit Court. The charges for these records vary from $7.75 to $25, depending on the type of record. Property records are also available to all interested parties. These may be accessed from the County Clerk’s office.

Courts in Deschutes County

Court Records in Deschutes County, Oregon

Deschutes County court records are accessible to all requesters, provided there are no legal exemptions. Though the circuit court is the highest trial courthouse, there are other municipal and justice courts within the county. Interested parties may visit the courthouses, where the case was hard in person to view court records from the record file rooms. Electronic copies are 20 cents a page, while certified documents are $5 each. Record seekers may also issue requests via mail or in person. Alternatively, it is possible to view case records by using the Oregon Judicial Department platform. Some records, though, are not accessible to all parties as they entail juvenile information, ongoing criminal investigations, child custody, or abuse cases. These records may only be viewed by legal representatives, court officials, law enforcement personnel, and parties to the case.

Court Name:
555 NE 15th Street
777 SW Deschutes Ave

Jails and Prisons in Deschutes County

Find Inmate Search and Jail Records in Deschutes County, Oregon

Deschutes inmate records are accessible to all requesters per the local statutes. These are overseen by the County Sheriff’s office, which also provides a jail tracker page. By entering the inmate’s name or booking number, it is possible to access their physical description, criminal charges, court dates, and bond status. Inmates are allowed visitation as well on a weekly basis, but these have to be scheduled in advance. Visitors also have to comply with facility regulations, such as wearing appropriate clothes, arriving on time, and not carrying contraband. Minors are also to be accompanied by parents or legal guardians. There are three jails and prisons in Deschutes County, serving 204,801. It is ranked 32 out of 36 when it comes to jails per capita.

Jails and Prisons Name:

Police Departments and Sheriff Offices in Deschutes County

Arrest Records in Deschutes County, Oregon

Deschutes County arrest records are available to all interested parties, provided there are no legal restrictions. These include the arrestee’s physical details, mugshot, witness statements, and the arresting officer’s remarks. The arrest records are maintained by law enforcement agencies like the sheriff’s office or police departments. Requesters may obtain non-confidential records by contacting their offices in person or via mail. The sheriff’s office charges $5 for a report and $1 for any copy afterward. Eligible record seekers searching for criminal histories may consult the crime jus tie information division of the Oregon State Police. Interested parties may access fingerprint-based criminal records though there are records that are deemed confidential. These may entail juvenile information, witness identities, abuse, or ongoing criminal investigations. Deschutes County has six police departments, and the crime rate is 25.34 per 1,000 residents.

Police Departments Name:

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